Hotel Eats wants you to maximize your time while on business or vacation. You can create an account or start your order as a guest. Browse through the hotel or resorts’ menu, find what you are looking for, customize and place your order. Once created, you’ll have the ability to save favorites, check your current/past orders, and checkout using a credit card, apple pay, or google pay within minutes.
Our goal is to provide a solution where you can relax, enjoy food and beverages with your friends and family without interrupting your travel plans. We know you’ll go hungry whether you’re enjoying the pool or finishing up an important business meeting. So even if you’re soaking up some sun or closing an important deal, you can enjoy your time, and we’ll take care of the food.
We understand that no one wants to potentially have their children starving at the pool. So instead, you can keep having fun while avoiding waiting at the snack bar. In addition, we give you the ability to order your food and beverages to be delivered to your room even without you being in there or receive a notification when your order is ready for pickup at the restaurant at a very minimal cost.
With mobile ordering, a customer can browse the menu, place an order, and pay on their smartphone without the need for in-person interaction with staff.
Our team of developers will assist in the process of helping you create the app of your dreams at an affordable price. We customize everything in-house and ensure that we provide you with the highest quality using all the latest technology tools and features.
From functionality and appearance to navigation and custom coding, there is a lot that goes into creating an eye-catching, user-friendly website. We make this process simple and help bring your vision to a reality.
With online ordering, a customer can browse the menu, place an order, and pay on their smartphone or computer without the need for in-person interaction with staff.
*12 payments*
*12 payments*